These include our taste buds, fat cells, skin cells, blood cells and many more. 这些包括了我们的味蕾,脂肪细胞,皮细胞,血细胞以至更多。
The Study of on Separation and Purification Technology of Taste Bud Cells of Mouse and Application 小鼠味蕾细胞分离纯化技术建立及应用研究
They screened these by assuming that a taste receptor would only be found in a small number of tissue types ( specifically tongue taste cells). That whittled the list down to900. 他们通过假设味觉受体应该只在很少种类的组织(特别是舌味觉细胞)中被发现,把名单缩减到900个。
Rich sweet taste of this dish, Creamy fresh incense, Shark-rich protein, Strong ability to increase cancer cells. 本菜式口感浓郁甜美,软滑香鲜,鱼翅富含高蛋白,可增加强抗癌细胞能力。
Results: Taste buds were found in the epithelium of apex linguae and circumvallate papillae; the taste bud consisted of light cells and dark cells. 结果:云豹味蕾分布于舌尖及轮廓乳突的上皮层中,主要由明细胞和暗细胞组成。
Liggett's team identified the taste receptors after screening for active genes in the smooth muscle cells that constrict or dilate the airways. 里哥特的研究小组在对缩短或扩张气道的滑腻肌肉进行筛分寻找活跃基因的时辰发现了这些味道感应感染器。
Taste buds, which comprise taste cells and nerve fibers within specialized epithelial structures, are peripheral gustatory receptors. 味蕾是动物的外周味觉感受器,它是由味细胞和神经纤维组成的上皮特化器官,舌面上的味蕾存在于味乳头中。
Moreover, methods of the electronical signals recording of taste cell mainly depends on the microelectrode or the patch clamp sticking to the membrane of the cells. 不仅如此,目前的味觉电生理记录,仍主要依赖于以膜片钳为代表的细胞膜微电极穿刺或钳制技术。
α-Gustducin is a taste-specific G-protein closely related to the transducins. It is present in the taste cells of several vertebrate species, ranging from fish to humans. α-gustducin is one of the principal mediators for vertebrates 'taste perception. α-参兜鞍是一种transducins样味觉特异性G蛋白,它在从鱼到人类的多种脊椎动物物种的味细胞内均有表达,是脊椎动物味觉感受中重要的调控因子之一。
Taste cells are cultured on the LAPS chip for several days and then the change of extracellular signals can be detected by measuring the change of LAPS photocurrent. The phenotype of those cells was NKH1+ CD16-. 味觉受体细胞具有神经细胞特性,也属于可兴奋性细胞,将其培养在LAPS芯片表面,味觉细胞电位的改变即可通过检测LAPS的光生电流得以测量。
It is difficult for those techniques to realize long-term monitoring of taste cells, especially, the multi channels synchronous recording of cellular networks due to unavoidable damage to cells. 该类方法因其对细胞的穿刺损害作用,难以实现长时程测量,同时也难以实现对细胞网络的多位点同时测量。
Combined with the previous studies on artificial taste and cell-based biosensor in our laboratory, we provides a novel taste cell chip based on LAPS since taste receptor cells are excitable similar to neurons. 本文结合我们实验室多年来在人工味觉和细胞芯片方面的研究,提出了基于LAPS的味觉细胞芯片。
A model for taste receptor cells was further developed. 进一步发展和完善了味觉细胞模型。
In the past, electric signals of taste cell were obtained by some invasive ways, in which cells or neural fibers were directly clamped. 以往味觉电信号的获取一直依赖于有创的方式,直接对味觉细胞或神经纤维进行记录,而且同步记录的位点非常有限。
Sweet taste receptors express on the membrane of taste cells, so the increase in the number of taste cells would inevitably lead to the increase of the expression of sweet taste receptor. 甜味受体表达于味蕾细胞膜表面,因此味蕾细胞数量的增加必然导致甜味受体表达量的增加。
The results showed that the organizational structure of taste buds of wild and cultivated fish were same, they were oval and constituted with taste cells, supporting cells and basal cells. 结果表明野生与养殖黄鳍鲷味蕾组织结构相同,呈椭圆形,由感觉细胞、支持细胞和基细胞组成。
Taste receptor cells are the basic elements for taste sensations to realize taste information processing, such as the chemical-electrical signal transformation. 味觉感受细胞是味觉敏感的基本单元,实现味觉中化学-电信号转换等重要的前期信息处理功能。
There are several types of voltage-gated ion channels on the membrane of taste receptor cells. 味觉感受细胞膜上存在多种电压门控离子通道。
Experimental results indicated that taste information could be encoded in the periphery. ATP has both enhanced and inhibitory effects on type III taste cells. 实验结果表明:味觉信息是能在初级味觉敏感系统中编码的,且ATP对Ⅲ型味觉细胞具有加强和抑制的双重作用。
Taste receptor cells immobilization on chips was profoundly studied. 深入研究了味觉受体细胞在传感器上的培养和固定。
There are some similarities between the responses from taste receptor cells and taste nerve fibers. Thus, the action potentials produced by taste receptor cells may be the key components of taste information transferred to the taste fibers. 而且味觉感受细胞和味觉神经纤维的响应有很多相似点,表明味觉感受细胞产生的动作电位可能是味觉信息传递到味觉神经纤维的主要组成部分。
LAPS chip also conquers the disadvantage of low density of cultured taste cells. 克服了味觉细胞培养密度低的缺点。
Type ⅲ taste cells were cultured on MEA surface successfully. The response under different sour concentrations were recorded and compared with simulation results calculated by the whole-cell model. 4. 成功将Ⅲ型味觉细胞培养于MEA芯片表面,并使用不同的酸刺激,记录到了细胞对不同浓度酸溶液的响应,并与全细胞模型仿真结果进行比较,对模型进行说明。
Taste substance dissolved in saliva is captured by taste cells in oral cavity, which generate specific response uniquely. 溶解于唾液中的味觉物质被口腔中的味觉细胞捕获,产生特异性味觉响应。